OSX.Loosemaque Trojan Horse (Mac OS X)

Разновидности троянов - Популярные ресурсы

Trojan Horse | Symantec
Remove Trojan Horse - Symantec Security Response provides comprehensive internet protection expertise to guard against complex threats, information about latest new ...

Trojan Horse Removal - Removing Help | Symantec
Trojan Horse removal - Symantec Security Response provides comprehensive ...

Symantec Security Response - Trojan Horse
Trojan horse is a generic detection for various Trojan horse programs. ... Symantec antivirus programs use Trojan horse as a generic detection when ...

Symantec Security Response - Downloader.Trojan
Downloader.Trojan is a program that downloads another malicious program from a remote Internet site and executes it on the local system.

Freegate is not Trojan horse, says Symantec • The Register
Symantec is to stop classifying a software utility that enables Chinese surfers to view blocked websites as a Trojan horse. ...