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Eco AntiVirus: Rogue Antispyware Disguised as Green Security Application
Boca Raton, FL Blue Penguin Software is excited to announce that its antispyware software SpyZooka is able to remove the fraudulent antispyware program Eco AntiVirus from infected systems. SpyZooka has been removing spyware, keyloggers, adware, Trojan horses and other security threats for more than five years. SpyZooka and its sophisticated algorithms are so effective that it has become the recognized industry leader, winning a number of prestigious awards including Tucows 5 Cows and Wugnets Shareware Hall of Fame. Eco AntiVirus is the latest in a series of fraudulent antispyware programs, this one marketed as a green security application. Eco AntiVirus claims to conserve energy and thus snares those users committed to the green movement. Unfortunately, Eco AntiVirus, like other rogues, does not deliver on its promises. Instead, it uses deceptive tactics to attach itself to a system without the users knowledge or permission. This usually happens when users download a video or audio codec which appears beneficial, but which is actually infected with Eco AntiVirus. |
скачать антивирус adware - Новости
Dr.Web CureIt! (14.01.2010) - скачать \ download Если на Вашем ПК установлен какой-либо антивирус, но вы сомневаетесь в его эффективности, смело запускайте утилиту Dr.Web CureIt! - это отличное дополнение к любому антивирусу. Dr.Web CureIt определяет и удаляет почтовые и сетевые черви, файловые вирусы, троянские программы, стелс-вирусы, |
Dr.Web CureIt! (27.12.2009) - скачать / download Если на Вашем ПК установлен какой-либо антивирус, но вы сомневаетесь в его эффективности, смело запускайте утилиту Dr.Web CureIt! Dr.Web CureIt определяет и удаляет почтовые и сетевые черви, файловые вирусы, троянские программы, стелс-вирусы, полиморфные, бестелесные и макровирусы, вирусы, |
ICE, Justice Department playing with cards up the sleeve in high-stakes ... Do You download windows xp recovery disk Really Need to Remove Spyware and Adware from your PC. when there, vista oem motherboard, is trouble you will |
'Rootkits' pose another problem for Windows This application does not have to be run as often as anti-virus, but if you kick it off a few times a month you should be OK. (Every week if you have a teen |
IE's Role in the Google-China War This then decodes and runs that to download other malware files, McAfee's Alperovitch said. The creator of the link is still not known. The exploit can |
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