Norton Internet Security 2010

trojan fakeav - Новости


Trend Micro Reveals Working of Koobface Worm
With respect to FakeAV (which is probably the most "in" thing among cybercrooks today), the researchers have claimed that Koobface is affiliated with five

Az ál-antivírusok éve volt 2009
Az utolsó három helyen pedig ismét csak ál-antivírusok találhatók: a nyolcadik helyen található Antivirus XP már közel másfél éve győz meg egyre több

Разновидности троянов - Популярные ресурсы

Trojan.FakeAV | Symantec
Remove Trojan.FakeAV - Symantec Security Response provides comprehensive internet protection expertise to guard against complex threats, information about latest new ...

Trojan.FakeAV Removal - Removing Help | Symantec
Trojan.FakeAV removal - Symantec Security Response provides comprehensive ...

The malware simulates an antivirus product that scans the computer, alerting the user that some threats were found but they cannot be removed unless the user ...

This is a downloader of the Antivirus Pro 2010 fake-alert malware which get installed on the system in two steps. ... Virus Information for - Trojan.FakeAV.VE ...

Trojan.FakeAV Malware Removal Report
Trojan.FakeAV is from a family of Trojans that assist in the spread of fake anti-spyware and anti-virus applications. Trojan.FakeAV may download
