trojan dropper - Статьи
卡巴斯基实验室近期检测到一种危害性很强的木马(Trojan-Dropper.Win32.Agent.bkao)。该木马会悄悄潜入系统,强制关闭所有常见反病毒软件,为其他恶意程序的入侵大开绿灯。这种木马一般通过网页挂马或其他下载器下载等途径感染计算机。进入系统后,它会首先释放一个驱动文件,并将其加载为服务运行。此服务会映像劫持系统上安装的所有常见杀毒软件,强制将这些软件关闭。同时,木马还会释放一个批处理文件,删除驱动文件、木马文件以及批处理文件自身,不留下任何感染痕迹。此木马在系统卧底后,已启动的服务程序会连接远程服务器,下载恶意程序到计算机本地,给计算机用户造成更为严重的损失。但网民也不必惊慌,如果您安装了卡巴斯基全功能安全软件并开启实时监控,其主动防御模块则能将木马入侵拦截,防患于未然。 |
Remove Trojan dropper win32! - Trojan detector. - video
trojan dropper - Новости
“卧底”木马威胁系统 网友需及时更新病毒库![]() |
卡巴斯基提醒:木马也玩无间道 卡巴斯基实验室近期检测到一种危害性很强的木马(Trojan |
Security roundup: Obama names a "czar", Citigroup denies attack, and Symantec ...![]() |
木馬也玩無間道 權威反實驗室近期檢測到一種危害性很強的木馬(Trojan |
江民12月31日病毒播报:代理木马和玛格尼亚变种 江民今日提醒您注意:在今天的病毒中TrojanDropper |
Разновидности троянов - Популярные ресурсы
Trojan.Dropper | Symantec
Remove Trojan.Dropper - Symantec Security Response provides comprehensive internet protection expertise to guard against complex threats, information about latest new ...
Trojan.Dropper Removal - Removing Help | Symantec
Run a full system scan and delete all the files detected as Trojan.Dropper. For specific details on each of these steps, read the following instructions. ...
F-Secure Computer Virus Information Pages: Trojan-Dropper
A typical trojan dropper is a file that contains a few other files compressed inside its body. ... Trojan droppers are usually created by special programs called 'joiners' ...
Trojan Droppers - W32.Dropper, Win32 Dropper, TrojanDropper ...
Trojan Dropper definition. Analysis and descriptions. ... This "dropper" is no dropper at all - I find it is just a legitimate WISE extraction tool, which may not ...
Dropper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A dropper is a program (malware component) that has been designed to " ... A dropper which installs a malware program to memory only is sometimes called an ...